Sunday, May 12, 2013

~A3M's kitchen: garlic asparagus + hotdog~

Breakfast + lunch at 4pm;p
before ni dah buat smoothie tuk alas perut..oklaa tew kan...

Atas asbab malas nk masak beria2 sangat...plan asal nak goreng hotdog je...then teringt pulak ade je to prepare garlic dah siap...

Garlic Asparagus;
Asparagus - patahkan hujung yg keras, rebus sekejap
Sedikit butter - daku guna planta
Chili flakes
Garlic - dice

1.masuk planta, chili flakes & garlic
2.masukkan asparagus yg dah rebus
3.goreng sekejap dan angkat

Minyak yg sama leh goreng hotdog simple as abc:-D

~accompanied mrA3M .. main game~

Its alr 1.30am

Layan kan je laa..while eating baby carrot..this one for 2nd round alr...tgh2 malam eloklah kan having healthy food..
Daku?? Busy jugak landing kat sofa sambil menge'5S'kan yahoo inbox daku..1.7k unread items..rimas tgk kut..

Friday, May 10, 2013

~A3M's kitchen: smoothie~

Orange+mango+green apple+spinach...add some water

ready to blend

Jom bersmoothy sugar k

The one we always juice..mesti add some susu cair...nak bg sedap (alasannn!!)

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

~A3M's kitchen: fatiyr toast~

Karipap roti...heee...
Ist time buat karipap...kebetulan ader pulak pengepit karipap yg xhousemate dulu...

Fatiyr toast

@ karipap roti

Isi ayam + carrot...kulit roti yg di gelek...sgt simple..

Repeat tuk breakfast pg ni.. 2 ketul dh di ngappp by him last nite

Inti pun ade lg..klu rajin lahh kan leh buat pie pulak...lama dh kut xbuat